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HeadsUp is a collaborating organization whose mission is to help end the stigma around psychosis through education, advocacy, and support. We promote early intervention centered around personalized, accessible, and effective care for all people in Pennsylvania. Learn More +

When you or someone in your family is suffering from psychosis it can be hard to know where to turn. The first experience with psychosis can be frightening and confusing but finding help early provides the best hope for recovery.

We understand that navigating these changes can be challenging. We offer a supportive platform of hope to individuals and their families to make information, care, and recovery more manageable.

Worried about yourself?

Sometimes we notice our minds or bodies are feeling off which can feel confusing or even scary.  If you have been experiencing troubling beliefs, problems with perception, disorganized thinking, or withdrawal it is good to know there are people who can help you sort through these uncomfortable feelings and determine if and when care may be needed.  Even though it is hard to reach out, it is important not to ignore these signs.

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Worried about a family member or friend?

If someone you care about has been exhibiting unusual behaviors such as problems with perception, disorganized thinking, or withdrawal there are people who can help. While it may feel uncomfortable to reach out, its important not to ignore early signs of concern or distress. Take the first step and learn more about early psychosis.

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PA Early Psychosis News!

January, 2025

Check out the latest installment of our newsletter and read about the strides we are making in PA early psychosis care.

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Look Inside a PA Early Psychosis Center

At a PA FEP (First Episode Psychosis) center, treatment is designed with each individual in mind and involves many types of trained, caring professionals who will work with each person on a plan of recovery. The Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) model is a comprehensive and team-based model, emphasizing hope, empowerment, and collaborative management of care. Watch this short video to learn more

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Finding hope and support with providers from the STEP clinic

"It's really helped for me to realize that things can get better, you can make improvements in your life. Nothing's easy at first but with practice and time and effort it becomes gradually easier. There is nothing you can't overcome.”

Headshot of Young Mental Health Program Participants Family MemberPlay Icon

An empowering path to recovery with the caring team from the ENGAGE clinic

"I didn't know that I had empowerment, that I was a valid human being...I am very excited about the possibility for the future for myself in a way that I couldn't have imagined would have been possible without the FEP programs.”

First Episode Psychosis Centers in PA are Making a Difference

Early Intervention in Psychiatry

91% decrease in number of participant hospitalizations


Employment rates increased by 126%


School enrollment increased by 85% in those over 18


82% decrease in suicide attempts


76% decrease in homelessness

*all mentioned data is at 24 month follow-up