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PCCP Case Study: Co-Occurring Physical Health Needs

UMB Presents: Practice what you've learned in PCCP introductory trainings. Activities include small group work, independent work, and processing and problem-solving with the larger group of participants. Agenda: Reviewing the data in the case study's assessment Applied Practice: identifying and writing an interpretive summary Clarifying Vision, Goals, Barriers and Strengths Applied Practice: identifying and writing […]

PCCP Key Concepts Webinar Series – Topic 5: From Assessment to Planning (Interpretive Summaries)

UMB Presents: Pulling data gathered from formal assessments and day to day interactions together, makes that data useful. It helps to focus on writing interpretive/narrative summaries, developing hypotheses, and strategically matching treatment recommendations. Agenda: Introductions and Welcome Writing Interpretive/Narrative Summaries with practice making connections between consumer’s experiences, explanations of illness, and inspirations to work on […]

WRAP 1; Philadelphia,PA

Mental Health Partnership Presents: Wellness Recovery Action Plan® (WRAP) is an evidence-based practice developed by the Copeland Center for Wellness and Recovery. This introductory course was initially designed for people living with mental health issues but has since been found to be equally effective for others including people living with a history of substance abuse, […]

HeadsUp Grand Rounds Series: An Expanded Understanding of High School Accommodations and Supports, Including Family Involvement

HeadsUp Presents: This session is intended to be a continuation of the "Bringing the Two Worlds Together: Schools and Coordinated Specialty Care Programs as Allies for Youth with Psychosis" session on July 18th. It will review the role of the Supported Employment and Education Specialist (SEES) of a Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) team in assisting […]

PCCP Key Concepts Webinar Series – Topic 6: Steps Along the Path (Objectives)

UMB Presents: Taking big picture treatment goals and breaking them down into actionable, and achievable steps makes a number of positive actions. For example, focusing on negotiating shorter-term goals, objectives that address behavior health, and making smart SMART-ish objectives SMARTer. Agenda: Introductions and Welcome Negotiating shorter-term stepwise goals or steps that that build to progress […]

Ethics and Boundaries; Philadelphia,PA

Mental Health Partnership Presents: This training, adapted to address Peer's particular needs, is intended to support staff in developing and maintaining appropriate boundaries in service provision, and explore and clarify ethical dilemmas. Participants will explore power and privilege and how these differentials affect our work. Participants will practice assessing decisions about boundaries and dual relationships. […]

PCCP Case Study: Housing and Resources Needs

UMB Presents: Practice what you've learned in PCCP introductory trainings. Activities include small group work, independent work, and processing and problem-solving with the larger group of participants. Agenda: Reviewing the data in the case study's assessment Applied Practice: identifying and writing an interpretive summary Clarifying Vision, Goals, Barriers and Strengths Applied Practice: identifying and writing […]

HeadsUp Grand Rounds Series: Family Peer Support in Childhood Psychosis

HeadsUp Presents: When a child experiences psychosis, their family’s world turns upside down. Fear and uncertainty take over, and it’s difficult for parents to know where to go for help, especially if they don’t have experience with the mental health system. Family peer support can make this difficult journey a little easier. During the presentation, […]

Technical Assistance: Troubleshooting Contact Notes and Documentation Issues

UMB Presents: Strategies for accurate and efficient documentation. Open forum small group discussion. Please Note: Due to semi-structured online format, CEUs/COAs are NOT available for Office Hours. Participation in Office Hours is not a substitute for the DLA-20 Basic training required for the for submission of service authorization/reauthorization requests for adults in Adult Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) […]

PCCP Key Concepts Webinar Series – Topic 7: What We Can Do (Interventions)

UMB Presents: Matching the steps consumers are taking with the interventions (i.e. services and supports) that we can provide, this course will focus on psycho-education and shared decision-making, problem-solving strategies, and it includes interventions that foster collaboration. Agenda: Introductions and Welcome Psychoeducation and shared decision-making about interventions as a means of increasing consumer buy-in to […]