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Digital Health & Early Psychosis

SMI Adviser: Discover how mobile health (mHealth) interventions can be utilized in the treatment and support of young adults at risk for psychosis and their families. REGISTER HERE.

Relating to Voices Using Compassion Focused Therapy

This webinar will outline the CFT psychoeducation of how evolution has set humans up with a tricky brain that has a natural threat bias that can incline towards dissociating, problematic attention, and over-estimating threat, using ‘better safe than sorry’ algorithms. It will guide participants through the CFT formulation of voice-hearing, which focuses on their (protective) […]

Recruitment and Retention: Practical Priorities and Principles

SAMHSA Region 3, in partnership with the Central East ATTC, is hosting a 90-minute virtual interactive training event to focus on workforce recruitment and retention. The featured speakers are the same content experts from Advocates for Human Potential who developed a Recruiting and Retention Toolkit for SAMHSA. The most relevant practical principles from the toolkit […]

Portrayal of Mental Health and Gun Violence in the Media

Hosted by Central East MHTTC: This webinar will provide an overview of myths and stereotypes about the relationship between mental health and gun violence that are commonly portrayed in television, film and news media. The session dispels these myths, exploring how their persistence over time has contributed to mental health stigma, impacting individuals with lived […]

HeadsUp Feeling Safe Series – Session 6, Assessment: When to Use What, Putting it All Together

The Feeling Safe Program, developed by Dr. Daniel Freeman in Oxford, UK, has been established as the premier evidence-based treatment modality for persons experiencing persecutory delusions. This is a 6 session modified training series, given by Dr. Aaron Brinen, focusing on the 5 established intervention modules as well as assessment to learn when to best […]

Trauma Informed Care Series – Trauma Informed Assessment Practices within Providers’ Scope of Practice (Session 2 of 6)

This workshop will cover trauma-informed assessment practices. The types of services being offered and providers’ roles and scopes of practice will inform topics, timelines and depth of exploration. We will also explore strategies for moving forward when information shared indicates additional services or trauma specific assessments may be needed. REGISTER HERE.

EPINET Connection LHS CNB Feedback Workshop

EPINET PRESENTS: EPINET Connection LHS CNB feedback workshop with Ruben Gur PhD and Monica Calkins PhD from the University of Pennsylvania for Maryland and Pennsylvania FEP clinicians who will be involved in the Computerized Neurocognitive Battery (CNB) feedback process. As a reminder, the CNB is composed of tasks assessing major domains of neuropsychological functioning, such […]