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Pathways to Psychosis Symposium

Lifespan Brain Institute. University of Pennsylvania Presents: This is a free event that offers 2.5 intermediate level psychology CE credits for the morning session and 3 intermediate level psychology CE credits for the afternoon session. Physicians may also self-report this activity for category 2 CME credits.   REGISTER HERE.

CTI: Critical Time Intervention – Day 1 of 2

UMB Presents: This training is designed to give providers a basic introduction to CTI and ideas fro implementing lessons learned from this Evidence-Based Practice into their work. Agenda: Day 1 Guiding principles of CTI; Identifying transitions and associate risk factors Engagement strategies; Establishing vision and goals; the Pre-CTI Phase Phase One - Post-transition assessment Phase […]

PCCP Key Concepts Webinar Series – Topic 6: Steps Along the Path (Objectives)

UMB Presents: Taking big picture treatment goals and breaking them down into actionable, and achievable steps makes a number of positive actions. For example, focusing on negotiating shorter-term goals, objectives that address behavior health, and making smart SMART-ish objectives SMARTer. Agenda: Introductions and Welcome Negotiating shorter-term stepwise goals or steps that that build to progress […]


NAVIGATE Conference Presents: Some of the world leaders and innovators of the field of first episode psychosis and people with lived experience will give talks as part of an opportunity to gather people from around the world to exchange experiences and learn about innovative approaches to treatment and increasing understanding about common issues in NAVIGATE […]

PCCP Case Study: Criminal Justice System Involvement

UMB Presents: Practice what you’ve learned in PCCP introductory trainings. Each week we will use a sample person-centered assessment to develop an Interpretive Summary and a Treatment Plan focusing on one category of barriers or needs. Agenda: Reviewing the data in the case study's assessment Applied Practice: identifying and writing an interpretive summary Clarifying Vision, […]

DLA-20 Functional Assessment Training

UMB Presents: The DLA-20 functional assessment fulfills the Maryland Medicaid requirement for a core standardized assessment tool. Agenda: Sign-in, Agenda Review, Impressions of First Case Study (Pre-Test) Balancing Incentive Program and Intro to DLA-20 Tools/Materials Group Activity - Complete a DLA Part 1 Independent work: Case Study Two Review DLA-20 scores for Case Study Two […]

PCCP Key Concepts Webinar Series – Topic 7: What We Can Do (Interventions)

UMB Presents: Matching the steps consumers are taking with the interventions (i.e. services and supports) that we can provide, this course will focus on psycho-education and shared decision-making, problem-solving strategies, and it includes interventions that foster collaboration. Agenda: Introductions and Welcome Psychoeducation and shared decision-making about interventions as a means of increasing consumer buy-in to […]

PCCP Case Study: Symptoms That Impact Communication and Social Skills

UMB Presents: Practice what you’ve learned in PCCP introductory trainings. Each week we will use a sample person-centered assessment to develop an Interpretive Summary and a Treatment Plan focusing on one category of barriers or needs. Agenda: Reviewing the data in the case study's assessment Applied Practice: identifying and writing an interpretive summary Clarifying Vision, […]

DLA-20 Functional Assessment Training

UMB Presents: Agenda: Sign-in, Agenda Review, Impressions of First Case Study (Pre-Test) Balancing Incentive Program and Intro to DLA-20 Tools/Materials Group Activity - Complete a DLA Part 1 Independent work: Case Study Two Review DLA-20 scores for Case Study Two Supplemental Questions Q&A, Wrap up, Evaluation   REGISTER HERE.

HeadsUp 9th Annual PA Early Psychosis Conference

The HeadsUp Annual Conference, designed for professionals and practitioners treating early psychosis, offers educational opportunities in early psychosis treatment and services. It provides a chance to strengthen skill sets, share best practices with peers, and implement new strategies, research and trends into practice. Week one: November 18-24th, 2024 covering Coordinated Specialty Care (CSC) in First […]

CTI: Critical Time Intervention – Day 2 of 2

UMB Presents: This training is designed to give providers a basic introduction to CTI and ideas fro implementing lessons learned from this Evidence-Based Practice into their work. Agenda: Day 2 Phase Two - Solidifying connections resources; Reassessing and coordinating Phase Three - Stepping back and setting up all parties for long term success Skills Development […]

PCCP Key Concepts Webinar Series – Topic 8: Using Your Map

UMB Presents: This training provides strategies for letting your plan guide meetings, make contact noting quicker, clearer, more targeted and more efficient. This is done by focusing on agenda-setting practices, addressing “non-compliance” more effectively, and learning efficient documentation of contact and meetings. Agenda: Introductions and Welcome Agenda-setting practices using planned interventions and objectives to stay […]